Are Democrats evil? The short answer is “no,” and people who genuinely believe this have often been influenced by hyperpartisan politics. The truth is that members of both political parties have done great things for their country and are doing their best to create a better America for all of its citizens.
Still think the Democrats are evil, or maybe you just want to learn more about the matter? Below, you’ll get all the answers you need to learn the truth behind the hate.
Are Democrats Evil? The Democrats Have Changed Over the Centuries
One reason that some believe Democrats are evil is that the party has changed extensively over the years. They were particularly dark in the early days of the country, with Democratic leaders championing slavery and Republican President Abraham Lincoln finally putting an end to the abominable practice.
This led to a lingering belief among many that the Democrats are racist. However, the party changed quite a bit, and a century later, it would be Democrat leaders like John F. Kennedy who led the fight for Civil Rights. His actions helped shape the country for the better, and while Kennedy deserves credit for helping save the country’s soul, it was an earlier Democrat who helped save the country as a whole.
Are Democrats Evil? The Democrat Who Saved the Country
Decades before the Civil Rights battle, America was thrust into the Great Depression. For a time, it seemed the country would be swallowed by debt and desperation. Fortunately, one man helped lead us out of this darkness: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, architect of the New Deal.
A big hallmark of FDR’s presidency was his use of broad federal powers in order to help average citizens. Under his administration, America saw banking reforms, relief programs, union protection, farm protections, and the Social Security Act.
The success of the New Deal helped save America from the Great Depression, and it also led to what would become a defining belief among Democrats: that strong regulation and robust federal programs are needed to help America. Republicans, in turn, would largely come to believe that regulations held back entrepreneurs who might save the country through innovation and that government assistance was generally a bad thing. The latter philosophy was summed up by Ronald Reagan describing the “nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”
Are Democrats Evil? Revolutionizing American Healthcare
That brings us to Barack Obama, whose two successful presidential terms nonetheless led many to think that Democrats are evil. That belief largely stems from conservative pundits who complained about Obama’s signature piece of administration, the Affordable Care Act (known more popularly as “Obamacare”). The ACA completely overhauled health insurance in an effort to make it more affordable and accessible to everyone, but to a generation of conservatives who idolized Ronald Reagan, this seemed like the perfect example of government overreach.
However, rather than divide the country, the ACA should ideally serve as an example of how Democrats and Republicans can work together to solve America’s problems. You see, Obama heavily based his new national policy on the policy Mitt Romney instituted for Massachusetts when he was governor, something Romney eventually took credit for, saying “Without Romneycare, I don’t think we would have Obamacare.”
Beyond all those angry partisan headlines, there’s an important life lesson here for us. The signature issue of the most popular modern Democrat was heavily inspired by the signature policy of his one-time rival for the presidency. In this way, Obama and Romney serve as powerful symbols of unity, with each man mastering the art of letting go and using his power and help as many people as possible.
Are Democrats evil? The Need To Come Together
The shocking fact that Obamacare is just repackaged Romneycare highlights a simple message for everyone: it’s possible for Democrats, Republicans, and everyone in between to embrace a positive mental attitude, coming together to work on the problems facing our country. In this case, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney — two of the most prominent members of each party — agreed on the best way forward when it comes to fighting rising medical costs and the need for robust health insurance. If a Democrat present and a Republican presidential contender can agree on a humanitarian effort this huge, just think what all of us could accomplish if we come together.
It’s time to do more than just read the headlines; in fact, it’s time to stop reading partisan publications altogether. Do your homework on the issues important to you, and when you encounter dissenting voices, don’t use this as an opportunity to score cheap debate points. Instead, be a champion and try to find out what they are most concerned with and then work together to solve it. This method serves as an answer to the oldest national question: how do you change a country for the better?
Simple: one citizen at a time.