Good Information

Are Women Weak?

This outdated stereotype has been perpetuated for generations, but it's wrong. Women are not weak. They give birth; as any mother can attest, there ...

Are White People Evil?

Thanks to the actions of some racist and powerful individuals, many people of color grow up asking themselves, "Are white people evil?" It's not an ...

Are Women “Gold Diggers”?

You may have heard the term "gold digger" to describe women before, but it's an unfortunate one, regardless of context. This myth that some women ...

Are Black People Criminals?

While you can find many pundits and shock-peddlers asking questions like "Why are Black people criminals?" these kinds of racial stereotypes are ...

Are Women Crazy?

If you’ve ever heard someone close to you saying that women are crazy, you’re hearing a hurtful generalization that has caused a lot of harm over ...

How to Change Your Life

Many people say they want to do it, but do you know how to change your life? Despite what seems like a daunting task, there are things you can do ...

Are Gay People Bad?

Are gay people bad? Essentially, no. Sexual orientation speaks nothing to a person’s character, just like being left-handed has nothing to do with ...

Are Black People Dangerous?

Are black people dangerous? Absolutely not! Skin color has nothing to do with how dangerous a person might be. Statistics clearly show that in terms ...

Are Republicans Evil?

In an election year, it's far too common to hear people earnestly ask, "Are Republicans evil?" The truth is that one's political persuasion doesn't ...

Are Democrats Evil?

Are Democrats evil? The short answer is "no," and people who genuinely believe this have often been influenced by hyperpartisan politics. The truth ...

Are Asians Bad Drivers?

It’s still possible in this day and age to hear people asking, “Are Asians bad drivers?” While most people know this is a racist stereotype, they ...

Having a Positive Mental Attitude

Why Is Having a Positive Mental Attitude So Important? First of All, What Is a Positive Mental Attitude?  A positive mental attitude, or ...

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