Best Cancer Organizations to Donate To

If you’re wondering just what are the best cancer organizations to donate to, you’re not alone. Making routine donations to causes you care about is a great way to give back. Or it can be a great way to honor the memory of a loved one after they pass away and leave you an inheritance that you’d like to put to good use.

Cancer charities number in the hundreds, making it hard to pick the right ones to support. Start by considering how these charities differ in what they focus on. Aside from focusing on specific conditions like breast or skin cancer, some cancer charities also primarily support research into cures, physical and emotional support for active patients, or even help for the family members of the patients.

Knowing how you want to support the cancer community will help you narrow down your choices when deciding what is the best cancer organization to donate to today.

Our List Of The Best Cancer Organizations To Donate To:

1. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

With blood cancers like lymphoma and leukemia remaining among the hardest types of cancer to treat, it’s essential to donate to causes that research treatments and cures. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society was founded in 1949 and since then has helped secure nearly $2 billion in funding to research these devastating conditions that can affect people of any age.

In addition to supporting research into blood cancers, the LLS also supports patients directly with free education and assistance in finding the right doctors and clinical trials for groundbreaking treatments. They also have a co-payment program to help reduce the financial burden of getting treatment for these forms of cancer. Finally, the organization has a grassroots network to push for legislative change that helps reduce the barriers to care for blood cancer patients.

2. Pickles Group

When asking, “What are the best cancer organizations to donate to,” look beyond just patient care and research groups. Organizations like the Pickles Group focus on supporting those around the patient who are also impacted by the diagnosis and treatment challenges.

The Pickles Group specifically supports kids who have a parent or caretaker diagnosed with cancer. Peer-to-peer support, family support kits, and counseling resources help kids grow and thrive despite the health challenges in their families. Since 1 in 20 children will have a close family member diagnosed with cancer before they graduate from high school, it’s a worthwhile cause to support.

3. Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research

While treatments have expanded and survival rates have risen for many types of cancer, others remain deadly when diagnosed. Pancreatic cancer is a good example of a specific form that is hard to treat and has a low survival rate, even when discovered relatively early.

Donating to the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research could speed the discovery and development of new tests and treatments that could save millions of lives. As one of the largest sources of donations for the research of pancreatic cancer, this foundation is directly driving new discoveries that could one day have a worldwide impact.

4. Rally Foundation

As one of the highest-rated children’s cancer charities, the Rally Foundation supports both patients of childhood cancer and new research into treatments and prevention. Family emergency funds directly support parents who are caring for a child with cancer, while events are regularly held to give the kids extra support as they go through their medical battles. The foundation also sets up specific research funds so patients can raise money for research directly for the type of cancer affecting them. High levels of transparency make this one of the best cancer foundations to support.

5. CancerCare

CancerCare goes beyond just helping patients pay for their medical expenses related to treatment, although that is a major part of their mission. This foundation also focuses on giving emotional and mental support to keep survivors strong as they fight against cancer. Online, phone, and face-to-face counseling options ensure no cancer patient ever has to feel alone. Even the families of those who have passed away are supported with bereavement camps that bring them together. Workshops for healthcare professionals and caregivers ensure that everyone gets emotional support as they struggle against the ravages of cancer.

With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to find a variety of cancer charities to support. All of these foundations offer both routine donation options and one-time endowments. Make it part of your mission to Spread Love to explore how you can boost the fight against cancer today.

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  1. […] it, we must draw on our collective generosity. We must rally behind a single purpose — to donate to cancer research so that we can end this huge contributor to human suffering as soon as […]

  2. […] you donate to charities, you’re not alone. You become part of a vibrant community of like-minded folks […]

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